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The SSL-TLS Handshake Process
The SSL/TLS Handshake Process is a crucial part of securing communication between a client and a server over the internet. Here's a simplified breakdown:- Client Hello: The client sends a request to the server, including information about supported SSL/TLS versions, cipher suites (encryption methods), and a random number.
- Server Hello: The server responds with its SSL/TLS version, selected cipher suite, and its own random number. It also sends its digital certificate to the client, which contains the server's public key.
- Authentication and Pre-Master Secret: The client verifies the server's certificate using trusted certificate authorities (CAs). If valid, the client generates a pre-master secret, encrypts it using the server's public key, and sends it to the server.
- Session Keys: Both the client and the server generate session keys from the pre-master secret and the two random numbers exchanged earlier. These session keys are symmetric (same key for encryption and decryption), ensuring fast encryption.
- Finished Messages: Both client and server send a Finished message, encrypted with the session key, confirming that the handshake was successful and secure.
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