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33 Things In SEO For Which Google Will Give Your Student Blog High Positions
Every website owner wants his website to get the best search results at Google and attract a lot of visitors. Scroll down below and examine the best 33 SEO practices that will help you to make your student blog successful.
33 Things In SEO For Which Google Will Give Your Student Blog High Positions
Pick Relevant Topics
Always publish blog posts on relevant topics. Don’t try to write about everything. Focus on your target audience and create niche-specific blog posts only. If you’re running a student blog, share some tips for learners, and tell how to
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Do Keywords Research
If you want your student blog to attract a lot of users from the Internet, you need to conduct thorough research and find keywords with high volume and low competition rate. Do not hesitate to use long-tail keywords to increase the conversation rate.

Don’t Use One Keyword for Multiple Pages
This tip will be useful for those who don’t know how to increase SEO on Google. Research different keywords for each page of your blog website. Each page and article on your blog should contain unique keywords.

Use the Primarily Keyword in Meta Title and Description
Meta title and description are a brief description of a site’s page at search results. Do not hesitate to add the target keyword to these tags. Also, try to create captivating meta descriptions to engage users.

Set Up an URL Slug
Usually, a CMS (content management system) creates unattractive URL slugs that consist of random letters and numbers. Set up a good-looking slug and add the primary keyword.

Provide Helpful Information
Always provide users with useful and valuable information. For instance, if you’re running a student blog, share some valuable tips for students who have this question - “who can
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?” in their minds.

Use Headings to Markup your Blog Posts
Always create well-structured blog posts. Use H1 heading to indicate the title and H2, H3, H4 headings to markup an article. Note that subheadings should enclose the top heading in more detail.

Use the Target Keyword Widely
For sure, it’s not enough to add the primary keyword a few times through the text. Add the target keyword in the first and last paragraphs. Also, the target keyword destiny should be 1%.

Supplement Articles with Alternative Keywords
Doing keyword research, always find alternative keywords that match a page’s topic and use each of them at least one time in blog posts.

Avoid Using Long Paragraphs and Subheading
It’s hard to read a long text that has no breaks. Writing a blog post, try not to exceed the 300-word limit for sub-headings. Also, don’t create long paragraphs. Three or four sentences will be enough to deliver your thoughts in one section.

Use Transitions in your Blog Posts
Don’t jump from one thing to another. Always supplement blog posts with transitions to ensure an easy-to-read flow. Also, follow the main idea in your blog post.

Write Short Sentences
If you have poor writing skills and always ask your friends – “who can
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good?”, here is a useful tip for you. Don’t write long sentences and don’t use complex grammar.

Add Alt Tags for Images
To increase the number of views, supplement images with alt-tags. Also, add the target keyword into alt-tag on your site. It will help you to increase a site’s ranking and attract more users from the Google Images search.

Add Inbound Links
Feel free to add internal links if you want to increase the value of your site’s pages. It will help website users to navigate on a blog site. Also, internal links are useful for Google crawl robots.

Add Outbound Links
Don’t be shy to share some links to other websites on the Internet. Always lead users to high-authority websites like Wikipedia, or Google knowledge base. To check the approximate number of a site’s visitors, feel free to use the Similar Web service.

Add 301 Redirects to Remove Duplicated Pages
Four different website addresses can be used to reach a simple website with an SSL certificate:
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All these are different URL addresses to the same website. Unfortunately, Google crawl robots indicate them as independent sites. To avoid the issue with duplicated content, choose the primary URL address for your site, and set up 301 redirects from alternative URLs to the primary one.

Apply NoFollow Tag to Low Authority Links
External links to low-authority websites like scam or gambling platforms may reduce your site’s ranking. To avoid this, forbid Google crawl robots to index low-quality links on your site by applying the NoFollow tag.

Remove Broken Links
Some of the links in your blog post may lead to Not Found pages because the original pages are deleted or updated. A large number of broken links may worsen a site’s ranking. Always review your posts and remove broken links.

Update the Publication Date
Most recent blog posts always get better search results. Feel free to update old blog posts with up-to-date information and publish them again. As a result, the publication date will renew, and the number of new views will increase.

Share Blog Posts on Social Media
“How do I get my website to show up on Google search?” - if this question appears in your mind frequently, here is a helpful tip for you. Share your blog post on social media to collect high-volume backlinks and increase a site’s ranking.

Attract Links from High-Authority Websites
Backlinks from high-authority websites will significantly increase a page’s ranking at Google. Therefore, try to attract links from popular sites. The most popular way to attract links from high-authority websites is to publish guest-posts.

Create a Fully Responsive Website
More than 50% of Internet users use mobile devices to surf the Web. Due to this, fully-responsive websites get better search results at Google. Make sure that your student blog looks great on both mobile and desktop devices to reach the top search results.

Use Google AMP
AMP or accelerated mobile pages is the thing that will help you to improve a site’s search results. Feel free to use the AMP technology to boost pages’ loading speed on mobile devices and more views from mobile devices.

Increase the Page Loading Speed
Low loading speed may negatively affect your website’s ranking. Optimize images and compress them to increase loading speed. Also, you can publish your site on high-efficiency servers with SSD drives and enable compression to get the best results.

Apply an SSL Certificate
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is a cryptographic key that encodes all the transferred data. It helps to secure personal information of a website’s users. Due to this, secured sites always get better search results at Google search.

CND or Content Delivery Network is a technology that helps to speed up your website loading speed for every user from around the globe. In short, CDN cache a website’s copies and show them to websites users that locate far from a server that hosts your site.

Create an XML Sitemap
An XML sitemap implies all the pages on your website and helps Google crawl robots to navigate on your website. Also, by using a sitemap, you can indicate the pages’ priority and change frequency. If you don’t know how to create it, feel free to use online XML generators on the Internet. Don’t forget to submit your sitemap at Google.

Use Robots.txt file to Navigate Crawl Robots
Create a robots.txt file to allow or disallow Google crawl robots to access particular directories on your server. For instance, if you don’t want Google to index some files like images or videos on your server. Also, you can forbid indexing pages that receive reports from Google.

Don’t Duplicate Content
Do you want to know how to rank your website on Google? Create 100% unique content only. If you duplicate a web page on the Internet, Google will send a report into the WebMaster Tool and penalize you by reducing your site’s ranking.

Use the Canonical Tag To Publish Duplicate Content
Use the canonical tag to indicate the source if you need to post a piece of content that is already published on another website.

Use Top Level Domain Name
If you want to increase a site’s ranking at Google, use a top-level hostname like .com, .net, .us, etc. Avoid using sub-domains and free hostnames to get better positions at Google search and attract more website users.

Sign Up at Google Webmaster and Google Analytics
Always track users’ data to get the results of your SEO improvements and promotion campaigns by using Google Analytics. The Webmaster tool will help you submit your website at Google, check and resolve any issues with a site’s pages.

Follow Google Algorithms Updates
Google releases core updates frequently. Every update brings innovations and changes the way how Google crawl robots and algorithms work. Always follow the release notes and update your SEO strategies to get the top positions at search results.

Essential Tip for Website Owners
Almost every site owner wants to get the positions quickly. Unfortunately, some of them consider using shady tactics to increase the number of views. Remember that every Google update fixes a lot of issues and bugs. Therefore, if you decide to use shady SEO tactics, you will 100% receive a penalty from Google and lose your site’s ranking in the future.

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