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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essentially the part of designing your web site to maximize your search engine rankings. This means that all of the elements of your web site are created with the goal of obtaining high search engine rankings which includes Page Titles, Site Content, Graphics and Images, Website Structure, Entry and Exit Pages etc.
A Quick SEO Checklist
Title tags
The title tag is the tag that’s used in the title of the website which appears like this:
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Page titles are one of the most important elements of site optimization which further helps your site while doing social sharing. All your page titles should be indicated with the title tag when coding your web site. If your page titles aren’t tagged properly, you might as well not be using those titles, so take the time to ensure that your page titles are short, descriptive, and tagged into your web-site code.

Another important factor to remember when using title tags in your website design is to create a unique title for every page in the site.

Meta descriptions
Meta description tags are also important for every page on your web site. In some search engine results, the text beneath the linked title comes directly from the information included in the meta description tag. In some search engine results, the text displayed below the title comes from the meta description is look like this:
Meta descriptions can however impact a page’s CTR (click-through-rate) on Google which can positively impact a page’s ability to rank. When creating your meta description tag, this is what it should look like:
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So you should include the meta description tag on each page of your web site using the following guidelines:
  • Different search engines allow different description text lengths. A good rule of thumb is to keep your descriptions to around 100-150 characters.
  • Every page in your web site should include its own, unique meta description tag.
  • Meta description tags should include keywords with high levels of importance or effectiveness.
  • Meta description text should not be the same as the text included in the title tag.
User friendly URL
User-friendly URLs are always helpful for visitors. Most webmasters are more concerned with creating search engine-friendly URLs. These URLs include important keywords that describe the content of the page.

For example, a blog that includes tips for Advanced Hacking Tutorials must have a URL like
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H1 tags
Headings on a web page behave the same way that headings on a page behave. They denote important information, and best of all, on a web page, they give you an opportunity to use your most important keywords in a contextually appropriate manner.

The heading tags are similar in format to other tags:
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Header tags should be included immediately before the body-text tags of your site, and the text of the header goes in between the opening and closing tags. High-level headings (H1s) are more important when a crawler examines your web site. Your keywords should appear in your H1 headings, and in the HTML tags you use to create those headings.

Optimize images
Image optimization is one of the most important factor for webpage ranking. Without images, your page is just boring text.
If images are a must on website, then there should be a way to use those images to increase your website traffic or to at least improve your site ranking.

Image Alt Tag
The technique which helps your SEO make use of graphics and images on your site is to tag those images with alt tags inside the img tags. The alt tags are the HTML tags used to display alternative text when a graphic is present.
An alt tag should be a short, descriptive phrase about the image, which includes the keywords used on that page when possible.
The img tags are the tags used to code the images that appear on your website.
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The alternative text tag is where your keywords should be included if at all possible. The 2nd reason you want to tag your images as part of your SEO strategy is to take advantage of image based search engines, such as Google Images.

There is no doubt that, image searches are gaining popularity, so crawlers like the one Google uses for its Google Images search engine will gain momentum and it will further add to the amount of website traffic.

The beginning of your post
Keywords are those words used to catalogue, index and find your website. There is a fine science to finding and using the right keywords on your website to improve site’s ranking.

Make sure that your site’s “Main Keyword” should be displayed in the beginning of your post.

Using “Main Keyword” on your website will help to ensure that it is visible in the search engine results, rather than be buried under thousands of other website results.

Fresh content
Content is also important element of SEO that needs to be maintained over time to time. Your content should change regularly. Over time, you should be adding to your collection of relevant, useful content.

After all, most people are looking for a specific piece of content, whether it’s information or a product. If your content is stale, search engines might eventually begin to ignore your site in favor of a site with fresher content.

Fresh Content always gives you an opportunity to change your anchor text regularly. Search engines crawlers get bored, too and if you can provide them with dynamic content that contains relevant anchor text, those crawlers will look on you with favor.

Publish long form content
The most important element of your site is probably the content that you put on it. Content 2,000-3,000 words performs better in search and gives you ample room to naturally add keywords throughout the page because higher the word count, the higher the rankings.

Develop content that will appeal to the networks in which you participate, both from an audience perspective and from an information perspective.

Keyword Density
Keyword density refers to the number of times a keyword appears on a given webpage or within a piece of content as a ratio or percentage of the overall word count it is important for webpage ranking.

Popular tools for analyzing keyword density are:
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Keyword Proximity
KP refers to the distance between the search term’s individual keywords. It also refers to the closeness of the keywords. Your keywords should be close to each other in the content of the web page which basically describes the proximity or the distance of two or more keywords within a text.
E.g. Hacking Tutorials, Kali Linux Hacking Tutorials, Advanced Hacking Tutorials.

LSI Keyword
LSI Means Latent Semantic Indexing which is used to analyze the other words people use surrounding a given topic. LSI Keywords are conceptually related terms that search engines use to deeply understand content on a webpage.

In other words, you can also say that the LSI means the Keywords related to your main keyword as shown below:
There are so many benefits of using LSI keywords such as:
  • It gradually increases your on-page time spent by visitors.
  • It will also decrease your Bounce Rate.
  • It also improves your Blog Authority Rank.
  • Your Search Engine Ranking will also be improved by using LSI Keywords.
You can further use LSI keywords for PPC Campaigns and other marketing strategies.

Breadcrumbs are links that allow a user to track their path from the page they are currently viewing to the home page of your website. They provide logical access to all the inner and outer pages of your site, a practice highly favored by search engines.

Basically, there are 3 types of Breadcrumbs:
  • Hierarchy Based
  • Attribute Based
  • History Based
Improve Page Speed
A fast website is one of the quickest (no pun intended) paths towards better conversions. Google measures bounce rate and dwell time. A slow website impacts the user experience, and therefore can ding you in the SEO department. The speed of your server is just one more factor that plays into good on-page SEO.

There are a number of things you can do to speed up your website.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests
  • Reduce server response time
  • Enable compressionkeyw
  • Enable browser caching
  • Minify resources
  • Optimize images
  • Optimize CSS Deliver
  • Prioritize above-the-fold content
  • Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site
  • Reduce redirects
Add social sharing buttons
Social networks are groups of people who are linked by some type of connection e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and MySpace. Displaying social sharing buttons on pages and posts benefit you in 2 ways:
  • Arise of natural links
  • Widens the ripple effect
So, if you’re trying to rise to the top of the search rankings, you need to build and engage a social audience. There are alot of effective places to put share buttons and the best option will depend on the setup and content of your site.

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