- by x32x01 ||
Understanding the event loop, callbacks, promises, and async/await in JavaScript is essential for managing asynchronous code execution. Here's an overview:
- Event Loop: The event loop handles asynchronous operations in JavaScript by placing tasks (callbacks, promises) in a queue and executing them one by one after the current code execution completes.
- Callbacks: Functions passed as arguments to other functions that execute once the task is completed. However, excessive use of callbacks can lead to "callback hell," making code hard to read.
- Promises: A cleaner alternative to callbacks, a promise represents a value that may be available now or in the future. It can be in one of three states: pending, resolved, or rejected.
- Async/Await: Built on promises, async functions return promises, and await pauses the execution until the promise resolves. It makes asynchronous code look and behave like synchronous code.
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