Overview of 157 Linux Basic Commands

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Overview of 157 Linux Basic Commands
Overview of 157 Linux Basic Commands
People who don’t know what Linux is sometimes ask us if it’s a program that runs on Microsoft Windows. When we tell them that Linux is, itself, an operating system like Windows and that they can remove (or never purchase) Windows, We sometimes get a surprised reaction: “A PC can run with nothing from Microsoft on it?”

In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki, Finland, started work on a UNIX-like kernel because he wanted to be able to use the same kind of operating system on his home PC that he used at school. At the time, Linus was using Minix, but he wanted to go beyond what the Minix standards permitted.

As noted earlier, Linus announced the first public version of the Linux kernel to the comp.os.minix newsgroup on August 25, 1991, although Linus guesses that the first version didn’t actually come out until mid-September of that year.

Here are the list of Linux basic commands:

1aliasAllows you to set aliases and view the current aliases.
2awkSearch for a pattern within a file.
3alienConverts .tgz and rpm’s to .deb format.
4bannerPrints characters as a poster.
5badblocksSearches a device for bad blocks.
6biffTurns mail notification on and off.
7bgMove a job running in the foreground to the background.
8bzip2Used to compress and decompress files. Similar to gzip.
9cardctlUsed to control PCMCIA cards.
10cfdiskUsed to partition a hard disk.
12chattrChanges the attributes of a file or folder.
13chrootChange the root directory for a command.
14chmodUsed to change permissions on a directory or file.
15chownUsed to change the owner of a file or directory.
16chgrpUsed to change the group a file belongs to.
17clearClears the screen
18cpioCopies file.
19catDisplays the content of a file
20chpasswdUsed to change a large number of passwords at once.
21cdChanges directories.
22chageSets password aging parameters.
23calDisplays a calendar.
24cronUsed to execute commands at a certain time.
25crontabAllows you to view or edit the current cron jobs.
26dselectA graphical front end for dpkg.
27dpkgInstalls packages on debain distro’s.
28datePrints current date to the screen
29duLists disk usage in a directory.
30dfReports disk usage information. df -h
31dmesgUsed to view the kernel boot file.
32dumpUsed for backing up.
33edquotaSets quotas for specific users.
34envLists current environment variables.
35fdiskUsed to create/edit/delete partitions.
36fsckChecks a file system for consistency.
37fgUsed to send jobs to the background.
38fuserChecks to see what processes and users have open files.
39findSearches for a file.
40freeWill show total memory, used memory, and free memory.
41gccUsed to compile C, Assembler, and Preprocessed C source.
42gpasswdUsed to set a password for a group.
43grepUsed to search through a file for a specified pattern.
44gettySet terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline
45groupaddCreate new group account.
46groupdelDeletes a group.
47groupmodUsed to modify a group.
48groupsShows what groups a user is part of.
49gunzipUncompress files compressed by gzip.
50headDisplays the first 10 lines of a file to the screen.
51hdparmGets disk information.
52historyLists recently executed commands.
53hostUsed to get DNS info.
54htpasswdAllows you to set usernames and passwords for your websever.
55idDisplay information about yourself or another user.
56insmodInstalls modules.
57initUsed to change run levels.
58isapnpSets up ISA cards.
59icmpinfoIntercept and interpret ICMP packets
60jobsUsed to show jobs running in the background.
61joinJoin lines of two sorted.
62killUsed to kill a process.
63killallKill processes by command name.
64kernelcfgA graphical application configures Linux.
65klogdControl which kernel messages.
66linuxconfA command line GUI which lets you configure your linux.
67lpcUsed to control a line printer.
68lpqView the print spool queue.
69lprSend files to the printer spool queue.
70lsDisplays a directories contents.
71lnUsed to create hard and symbolic links.
72lessDisplay the contents of a file.
73locateSearch for a file or directory.
74lddShows what shared libraries a program is dependent on.
75ldconfigUsed to configure/view shared libraries.
76lastLists logins and reboots.
77lastlogPrint the last login times for system accounts.
78lsmodLists loaded modules.
79lsattrLists the attributes for a file or folder.
80logrotateUsed to manipulate log files.
81mountUsed by itself, reports the currently mounted files.
82modinfoGive info about the module.
83modprobeQueries modules.
84manDisplays the Man page for a given command.
85mesgUsed to allow/not allow ‘write’.
86manpathAttempts to determine the path to a man page.
87mailUsed to send and receive mail.
88mkdirMake directory
89mke2fsUsed to format a partition with the Ext2 file system.
91mergeMerge multiple files together.
92moreLets you page through text one screen full at a time.
93minicomGreat utility for troublshooting a modem.
94mkbootdiskUsed to make a boot disk.
95ntsysvUsed to select what services should automatically start.
96niceUsed to set process priorities.
97nslookupUsed to get DNS info from name servers.
98netstatShows active sockets.
99psDisplays current processes
100pingUsed to test connectivity between two hosts.
101pwdPresent Working Directory
102pwconvUsed to set up the -etc-shadow file.
103pnpdumpDetermines settings for existing ISA cards.
104quotaAllows users to view their own disk quotas.
105quotaonTurns on disk quotas for the system.
106quotaoffTurns off disk quotas for the system.
107repquotaProvides reports of disk usage for various users.
108rmmodRemoves modules.
110rmdirRemove directory
111rpm(RedHat flavors only) Used to install RPM’s
112rpcinfoUsed to see what rpc services are available.
113routeUsed to view/change routes between you and other hosts.
114smbclientUsed to connect to Windows shares or Samba.
115smbadduserMaps linux user names to Windows NT user names.
116smbpasswdUsed to update the smbpasswd file with new accounts.
117setUsed to read and write variables.
118setquotaUsed to set disk quotas.
119sortSorts lines in a file by alphabetical order.
120sndconfigUsed to probe and configure a sound card.
121suChange to Super User (root).
122spellChecks for spelling errors in a file.
123startxStart the X Server (GUI)
124shutdownShutdown machine
125suspendPlaces a shell in the background.
126showmountShows mount information for an NFS server.
127swaponTurns on the swapfile.
128swapoffTurns off the swapfile.
129testparmUsed to troubleshoot Samba.
130tarUsed to compress multiple files.
131timeconfigUsed to set the timezone on your machine.
132tacView a file from the last line up.
133touchCreates an empty file.
134tailDisplays the last 10 lines of a file to the screen.
135talkUsed to chat with another user on the same machine.
136trConverts one set of characters to another.
137tracerouteUsed to track the path a packet takes to a host.
138topShows information about the most CPU-intensive Apps.
139useraddAdd a user.
140usermodModify a user.
141userdelDelete a user.
142umountRemoves a device from the filesystem.
143updatedbUpdates the locate database.
144unameDetermines OS name, version and machine name.
145vmstatLists information on memory usage.
146viA text editor
147whereisFinds documentation files.
148whoTells you who is logged into your server.
149whoamiTells you your user information.
150wcPrint the number of bytes, words, and lines in files.
151whichFinds the full path for a command.
152writeUsed to send a message to another user.
153whoisUsed to query servers for info on.
154wallWrites a message to all logged in users.
155xmanGraphical interface for man pages.
156xf86configUsed to configure X.
157zcatRead files that have been compressed with gzip.
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