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List of All Bash CTRL and ALT Key Shortcuts - Linux
Bash, which is the default shell in Linux contains a whole lot of key bindings which makes it really easy to use. The most commonly used shortcuts are listed below:Also Read: Bash External Variables | Bash Environment Variables | Bash Inbuilt Variables
CTRL Key Shortcuts
Ctrl + a | Jump to the start of the line |
Ctrl + b | Move back a char |
Ctrl + c | Terminate the command |
Ctrl + d | Delete from under the cursor |
Ctrl + e | Jump to the end of the line |
Ctrl + f | Move forward a char |
Ctrl + k | Delete to EOL |
Ctrl + l | Clear the screen |
Ctrl + r | Search the history backwards |
Ctrl + R | Search the history backwards with multi occurrence |
Ctrl + u | Delete backward from cursor |
Ctrl + xx | Move between EOL and current cursor position |
Ctrl + x @ | Show possible hostname completions |
Ctrl + z | Suspend / Stop the command |
ALT Key Shortcuts
Alt + < | Move to the first line in the history |
Alt + > | Move to the last line in the history |
Alt + ? | Show current completion list |
Alt + * | Insert all possible completions |
Alt + / | Attempt to complete filename |
Alt + . | Yank last argument to previous command |
Alt + b | Move backward |
Alt + c | Capitalize the word |
Alt + d | Delete word |
Alt + f | Move forward |
Alt + l | Make word lowercase |
Alt + n | Search the history forwards non-incremental |
Alt + p | Search the history backwards non-incremental |
Alt + r | Recall command |
Alt + t | Move words around |
Alt + u | Make word uppercase |
Alt + backspace | Delete backward from cursor |